






Amazon 16509 ✔
Anexia 42473 ✔
AT&T 2686 ✔
Athens Exchange Group 13038 ✔ ✔
C2 207540 ✔
City of Athens 209608 ✔
Cloudflare 13335 ✔
Connecticore 197580 ✔
CYNET 3268 ✔
Cyta (Cyprus) 6866 ✔
Dataways 15544 ✔
Digital Realty 56910 ✔ ✔
Edgoo Networks 47787 ✔
ERT 50148 ✔
Fast Telecom 211186 ✔
Fastpath 56457 ✔
Fermorite 207767 ✔
FTN 208785 ✔
Fusioned 51392 ✔
G-Core Labs 199524 ✔
Gloman 50311 ✔
Greece telecom 206652 ✔
Greek Internet Exchange (GR-IX) 199399 ✔
National Infrastructures for Research and Technology (GRNET) 5408 ✔ ✔
HCN 57794 ✔
Hellas Sat 41697 ✔
Hellenic Telecommunications and Post Commission 203348 ✔
HostMeIn 50520 ✔
Hurricane Electric 6939 ✔
Inalan 200736 ✔
Information Society SA 35506 ✔ ✔
Interconnect 208837 ✔
Inter Telecom 48172 ✔
Internet Hellas 209162 ✔
Kaopu Cloud 138915 ✔
Lancom 199081 ✔
MainStreaming S.p.A. 51185 ✔
Microbase 196945 ✔
Microsoft 8075 ✔
Modulus 201494 ✔  ✔
NetIX 57463 ✔
NetIX Greece 52055 ✔
NOVA 1241 ✔ ✔
Novelcomm 206735 ✔
OTE 6799 ✔ ✔
Packet Clearing House Route Collector 3856 ✔
PCCW Global 3491 ✔
Piraeus Bank 28953 ✔
Pointer 209150 ✔
PPC Group 51505 ✔ ✔
Real TV GmbH 207327 ✔
Riot Games Ltd. 6507 ✔
S3 Belcloud 44901 ✔
Skroutz 202042 ✔
Sofia Connect 47872 ✔
Sony Interactive Entertainment 33353 ✔
Supervoice 210477 ✔
Synapsecom 8280 ✔
Telmaco 202112 ✔
TI Sparkle Greece 198477 ✔
Top.Host 199246 ✔
Verizon 702 ✔
Vodafone 3329 ✔ ✔
WIND 25472 ✔ ✔
Yuboto 203796 ✔
DNS services (anycast name servers)
AS112 (reverse DNS lookup for RFC 1918 addresses) 112 ✔ ✔
FORTH (.gr) 48053 ✔
Packet Clearing House DNS (Root Servers and about 400 gTLDs/ccTLDs) 42 ✔
RIPE (K-root) 25152 ✔
Verisign Internet Resolution Service (J-root, .com, .net etc) 26415 ✔