GR-IX Colocation Pricelist (ATH01) – 2017.01.01

In effect since 01.01.2017
Release date: 03.11.2016

The following fees apply only to ATH01(EIE) POP, where GR-IX members’ equipment is installed on GR-IX racks allocated specifically for this purpose. On other POPs, equipment colocation requires an agreement with the colocation provider.

One-off Installation Fees (€)
Recurring Fees (per month) (€)
Connection via shaft (per fiber pair)
Equipment colocation* (per Rack Unit)
Equipment colocation* (5 Rack Units)

*Ιncludes the cost of power and cooling (maximum consumption 1 KVA / RU), access to console port via terminal server, use of ethernet port for IP out-of-band access and access to managed power switch)


  • Prices do not include 24% VAT.
  • A signed Service Order Form is required in order to install, modify or decomμission the aforementioned collocation services. Special offers explicitly mentioned on the Service Order Form prevail this pricelist.
  • One-off installation fees are calculated based on the effective price list on the delivery date.
  • Recurring fees for each service are calculated, starting from its delivery date, for the entire period that this service is offered. If the start or end date of a service does not align with the first or last day of a calendar month, the corresponding recurring fees are calculated proportionally, for the days that the service was offered to the days of this calendar month.